21 Days of Prayer & Fasting
When we think about the month of February, our minds automatically go to Valentine’s Day. The stores are full of hearts, boxes of chocolate and flowers. We begin to think of something we can give to that special someone we love. This February, I’d like for us to spend some time expressing our love for the Lord and others by engaging in 21 Days of Prayer. Let’s commit together to cry out to God for 21 consecutive days for our families, our church, and the world.
Join us for 21 Days of Prayer February 5 – 25. Below, you’ll find a daily prayer guide with prayer points and Scripture to help focus and fuel your praying. Commit to a specific time each day to devote to prayer. Find a place where you can be free of distractions and be alone with God.
Click Here to download the daily prayer guide
During this time, I want to encourage you to fast to whatever degree God leads and is appropriate for you…whether that’s a meal, a day, or a week. Those who cannot fast from food may choose to fast from social media, television, or something similar. Even if you cannot fast, pray with us. We want everyone to participate in some way. Join us for 21 days as we pray for God to work in our lives, our church, and our world in a great way.
Why fasting?
As prayer connects us with God, fasting helps to disconnect us from the world. A time of fasting humbles us and awakens us to our great need for and reliance on God. It refocuses our hearts on spiritual and eternal matters and it draws us closer to the Lord. Here are some ideas from which to choose.
Complete fast – This means refraining from eating solid foods and only drinking liquids (usually water and occasionally juice) for particular days of the week or even an extended period of time. Consult your physician first, especially if you take prescription medication or if you are under medical supervision for an illness.
Selective Fast – This involves removing certain things from your diet. Eating only fruits and vegetables, what some call a “Daniel Fast” is an example of this type.
Partial Fast – This involves refraining from eating for a set period of time each day. You could choose to fast from sunup to sundown. Or you can choose to eat only one meal a day.
Soul Fast – This involves depriving your soul of comforts, pleasures and preoccupations such as, social media, movies, television, activities, time on cell phone.
Practical Tips for Fasting
Limit your physical activity.
Exercise only moderately. Walk one to three miles each day if convenient and comfortable.
Prepare yourself for temporary mental discomforts, such as impatience, crankiness and anxiety.
Expect some physical discomforts, especially on the second day. You may have fleeting hunger pains or dizziness. Withdrawing from caffeine and sugar may cause headaches.