Does Membership Matter?
The Christian life is not just our own private affair. It is to be a family affair in which we enjoy fellowship with our Heavenly Father and with each other. Every Christian should unite with a local, Bible-believing church and share in its worship, its fellowship and its witness (Ephesians 5:25).
Crossway 101
This class is an opportunity for you to meet our pastor and learn about the beliefs and culture of Crossway. You will also learn about the ministries of our church, as well as the expectations for members with principles based on the Word of God. Whether you have already come forward for membership or are just prayerfully considering it, we encourage you to register below for this class.
Crossway 101 is offered once a month at 6:30pm on Wednesday evening. If you cannot attend our Wednesday class, let us know by selecting "I need an Alternative Date" from the drop-down menu below and we will help you find an alternative time you can attend.