interactive Life Groups or iLG’s

iLG’s that meet at 9:45AM on Sundays

Teacher: Ron Hardt

The Hardt Life Group is an interactive life group class made up of a mix of singles and married individuals with an age range of 50 and above. The class typically uses Explore the Bible quarterlies and will discuss how the lesson and scripture can relate to today's life application. The group has several activities throughout the year. Many class members are involved in various areas of service within the church setting.

Teacher: EJ McDaris

The McDaris ilg group ranges in age from early 20's to mid 70's. We have married, singles, widowed, divorced and engaged. We have several folks with newborn kids, toddlers, tweens, teens and some have kids who should have left home a long time ago. We do life together, the good the bad and the ugly parts. Our group has several small groups inside of the one big one that makes it easy to find a spot and have accountability and grow in your walk.

iLG’s that meet at 11:00 AM on Sundays

Teachers: Denny and Eric Feasby

The Feasby iLG is an interactive and discussion-based class, led by a father-son teaching duo. We are a mix of married and single individuals, spanning various ages and backgrounds, which enriches our conversation and learning experiences. In this class, we explore scripture and its application to our daily lives through thought-provoking discussions, group activities, and meaningful dialogue. Throughout the year, we participate in service projects and social activities to strengthen our bonds and serve the community together.

Teachers: Jim Wrather and Stephen Rhoades

The Wrather/Rhoades iLG is an interactive, discussion-based class made up of a wide variety of people ranging in age from 30-70 with all types of backgrounds are represented including single, married, widowed, divorced, and new believers to seasoned believers. Jim Wrather is married to Janis Wrather and they have 2 adult children. Stephen Rhoades is married to Laurie Rhoades and they have 4 adult children.

Teacher: Dennis Webster

Dennis Webster's Life Group class is made up of singles and marrieds aged 35-65. We have an interactive small group study each week with much participation. Dennis Webster has been married to Karen Webster for 42 years. They have 5 children and 15 grandchildren.

Teacher: Mike Aye

We are an interactive class with ages ranging from 20s to 70s.